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Writer's pictureMike Cruz



In a time of constant connectivity where anyone can know where/what/who you are at any given moment, creating a space for yourself is more important than ever. And doing that in an analogue, unplugged way can be seemingly impossible when even your notepad and pen require Bluetooth, WiFi and an app. Who doesn't want to or need to escape every now and again? Whether that entails hiding in the bathroom, belting along to your favorite album in the car or cooking yourself exactly what you crave at the end of a hard day. It is fundamental that everyone has a release - after all, “pleasure is the antidote to anxiety”, (my therapist’s words, not mine). But how many times can you excuse yourself to “use the bathroom” before an in-law gets offended or thinks you have some serious IBS? Some situations require you to grin and bear it - to sit through the discomfort while you scream inside - which is why I have begun storing away any moment of escape as something I can return to, like little pockets of joy I can redeem in moments of desperation. Any chance I get to do something uncomfortable that forces perspective is immensely valuable and useful. Hiking is one of the most tangible ways that I circumvent the minutiae of daily life. The difficult nature of the hikes I choose often compels me to retreat within, to escape the escape. As you can imagine, there is no hiding your intentions on a mountain, especially when there’s over two feet of snowfall. You can't decide 10 miles in and 2000ft up that you no longer want to be there – if you want to get off that mountain the only way is 10 miles back and 2000ft down. It's a commitment and a constant negotiation between the mental and physical and keeping that dialogue open between the two is crucial. It’s negative ten degrees, I’m tired and it hurts but I’m laughing, because why cry? I physically put myself in a situation that I mentally don't want to be in and that dynamic flip flops throughout the hike as my body tires and my mental fortifies. It is in this fortification that I find myself drifting, my imagination taking over – like a nurturing embrace to allow my body to endure. Struggle and perseverance are synonymous and in my opinion crucial for balance in everyday life. Give yourself the space to discern what is truly important, what you let in and what you let go. And it takes time, experience and work to hone that mental muscle but it is an exercise worth doing. So the next time you find yourself in a situation that is difficult to navigate, try escaping to something instead of from it.


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